Service Terms & Conditions
Ava Community Energy (Ava) is the default electric provider serving Alameda County (except the City of Alameda) and the city of Tracy.
Bright Choice
Most accounts within Ava’s coverage area are automatically enrolled in Ava’s Bright Choice service, which is offered at a 5% discount to the corresponding PG&E rate. Customers may request to choose Renewable 100 or choose PG&E bundled service at any time, subject to the opt out guidelines described below. Bright Choice electric generation rates are set below PG&E electric generation rates, inclusive of utility exit fees. More information about rates can be found at
Renewable 100
Certain customers are defaulted to Ava’s 100% renewable energy service, Renewable 100, offered at 1/4¢/kWh above the PG&E rate inclusive of utility exit fees. Renewable 100 customers may choose Bright Choice service or PG&E bundled service at any time, subject to the opt out guidelines described below. Changes in a service option are effective as of the customer’s next billing cycle.
Default Service by Jurisdiction, Customer Class, and Program Participation
In an effort to support sustainability goals, certain cities have chosen to enroll customers in their jurisdictions in different services based on customer class and program participation, as indicated in the table below. Customers are free to change their service option at any time, which will become effective as of the customer’s next billing cycle.
Jurisdiction | Commercial Customers | Residential Customers | Customers in CARE, FERA, and/or Medical Baseline Programs |
Albany, Berkeley, Dublin, Emeryville, Hayward, Pleasanton, San Leandro | Renewable 100 | Renewable 100 | Bright Choice |
Piedmont | Bright Choice | Renewable 100 | Bright Choice |
All other jurisdictions* | Bright Choice | Bright Choice | Bright Choice |
Rates, Fees and Programs
Ava’s electric generation rates are managed to provide green electricity to our community at competitive rates. Any future rate changes will be adopted at duly noticed public meetings of the Ava Board. You can view Ava rates online at, or call 833-699-3223 for more information. Rates and cost comparisons may change over time.
As an Ava customer, PG&E charges you a monthly Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee Surcharge. Ava has accounted for these additional exit fees and charges in its rate setting process. Please contact PG&E for more information about these charges.
Financial assistance programs including CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy), FERA (Family Electric Rate Assistance), and Medical Baseline Allowance remain the same with Ava. If you are enrolled in any of these programs with PG&E, they continue to apply to you as an Ava customer.
As an Ava customer, you continue to receive a single monthly bill from PG&E that includes all electricity-related charges, including Ava’s electric generation charges. Ava generation charges are not duplicate or extra fees. You make a single monthly payment to PG&E, and PG&E forwards your payments for electric generation to Ava. PG&E continues to charge for gas services, transmission, distribution, public goods programs and other non-generation charges at the same rates it charges customers who do not receive Ava service.
Choosing PG&E (Opt Out)
You may opt out of Ava electric generation service and choose PG&E at any time by calling 833-699-3223 or by completing the Choose PG&E form at You will need your PG&E account information to begin the opt-out process.
There is no fee to choose PG&E before enrollment or in the first 60 days of receiving Ava service. If you choose PG&E 60 or more days after Ava service begins, you will be charged a one-time termination fee of $5 per residential account or $25 per commercial account. These fees are waived for customers in Stockton and Lathrop until April 2026. All customers are also subject to PG&E’s terms and conditions of service, which prohibit you from returning to Ava for a full year after your opt-out date.
If returning to PG&E generation service after receiving Ava service for more than 60 days, PG&E requires that you choose one of the following options:
- Option 1: Return to PG&E generation service at the end of the current billing cycle. You will be billed at PG&E’s transitional rates for a six-month period, and PG&E’s standard bundled electricity rates thereafter.
- Option 2: Give six month’s advance notice of your intent to return to PG&E generation service. At the end of the six-month notice period, you will be returned to PG&E service and billed PG&E’s standard bundled electricity rates.
Accounts of customers who have requested to choose PG&E will be transferred on the next day their electric meter is read. Accounts cannot be transferred in the middle of a billing cycle. Your request to choose PG&E must be received at least 5 business days prior to your meter read date in order to switch service to PG&E before your next billing cycle begins. All other requests to choose PG&E will be processed on the subsequent meter read date. If you choose PG&E or otherwise stop receiving service from Ava, you will be charged for all Ava electricity used before ending Ava electric service.
Failure to Pay
If you fail to pay your bill, Ava may transfer your account to PG&E upon 30 days’ written notice for commercial customers and 60 days’ written notice for residential customers. If your account is transferred, you will be required to pay the opt out fees described above.
Customer Confidentiality
Ava is committed to protecting customer privacy. Ava’s policy on customer confidentiality can be found at or by calling 833-699-3223.