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Your Energy Options

If you live in Ava service area, we are the default provider for your electricity generation. One primary benefit of being our customer is that you now have several options for your electricity supply. The options have different prices and different sources of energy supply.

Ava offers two service plans:

  1. Bright Choice, which offers 5% monthly savings compared to PG&E rates from a mix of electricity sources and will be carbon-free by 2030
  2. Renewable 100, our 100% wind and solar energy for ~$1 more per month for the average home.

You can compare our plans and rates, or choose to leave our service and return to PG&E bundled service.

In addition to these service options, you can select whichever PG&E rate schedule is best for your unique needs (for example there are rates for electric vehicles, rooftop solar, time of use, etc). Discount programs such as CARE, FERA, and Medical Baseline provide customers with the same benefit regardless of whether they are on our electricity generation service or not.

energy bill icon
Understanding Your Bill  
Find out why we’re included on your PG&E bill.
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Rate Discounts & Assistance  
Energy bill help is available for those in need.
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Change Your Plan  
You can decide to change your plan at any time.