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Community Impact

Ava has its origins in the East Bay but has grown to serve customers in both Alameda County and San Joaquin County.

That’s why we changed our name in 2023 from East Bay Community Energy to Ava Community Energy. The name “Ava” is a nod to our service area encompassing Alameda and the Valley.

As a public agency, we do not have shareholders, so we use any excess revenue to reduce rates and run local programs. We’re committed to greener power, lower rates, and community investment.

woman looking at bill
$144+ million

saved since 2018 by our customers compared to what they would have paid PG&E.

Induction cooking with chef Nite Yun
$26 million

annual budget for local programs such as battery energy storage, induction cooking, and electric heat pump water heaters

Ava staff and sponsorship partners planting a tree
$4.2 million

in sponsorships to local programs in athletics, STEM education, music and art, and more over 3 years.