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2020 Renewable Energy & Storage Request for Offers

Proposal submission deadline: Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 5:00 PM PST

EBCE is soliciting competitive proposals for the sale and purchase of renewable energy and/or energy storage.

EBCE is issuing this RFO to procure long-term renewable energy resources, to provide long-term clean energy hedges and Resource Adequacy, and to contribute to EBCE’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) obligations under SB 350 and SB 100.

EBCE is issuing this RFO to procure long-term renewable energy resources, to provide long-term clean energy hedges and Resource Adequacy, and to contribute to EBCE’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) obligations under SB 350 and SB 100.

EBCE seeks energy and related products from both existing and new construction resources within or deliverable to the state of California. Projects must be larger than 10 MW in contract capacity and must begin deliveries no later than December 31, 2024.

EBCE seeks offers for the following products:

  • 1. As-Available Product from RPS-eligible resources;
  • 2. As-Available RPS Product plus Energy Storage;
  • 3. Indexed Energy plus RPS attributes;
  • 4. Shaped RPS Energy Product;
  • 5. Stand-alone Energy Storage Toll; or
  • 6. Shaped Clean Energy Hedge

Respondents may submit for as many or as few products as they wish, relative to their capabilities and expertise.

There will be a Respondent Webinar on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 10:00 AM PT to review key information in the protocol.

RFO Schedule

Event Target Date / Time (PPT)
Issuance of RFO October 29, 2020
Deadline to submit questions for Respondent Webinar November 5, 2020;no later than 2pm
Respondent Webinar for RFO (Registration) November 10, 2020; 10am
Final deadline to submit emailed questions November 16, 2020;no later than 2pm
Deadline to submit early Offers for projects pursuing CAISO TPD affidavit process November 17, 2020; no later than 2pm
Responses to questions posted November 19, 2020
Final deadline to submit Notice of Intent to Bid form November 23, 2020; no later than 2pm
Offers Due to EBCE December 1, 2020;no later than 2pm
Notification of shortlisted Respondents and Offers January 8, 2021
Form PPA redlines due from shortlisted Respondents January 18, 2021
Negotiations (Exclusivity Agreements and bid deposits due) February – April 2021
Contract approvals by EBCE Board of Directors April – May 2021

RFO Materials

RFO Provisions

  • Respondents who submit Offers agree to do so without legal recourse against EBCE, its Board, officers, employees, agents, advisors or contractors for rejection of their Offer(s) or for failure to execute a transaction for any reason.
  • Respondent agrees that EBCE will not be liable to any Respondent or party at law or in equity for any reason whatsoever for any acts or omissions arising out of or in connection with this RFO.
  • By submitting its Offer, Respondent waives any right to challenge any valuation by EBCE of any Offer of any Respondent or any determination of EBCE to select or reject any Offer of any Respondent or take any action contemplated by this RFO, any other decision of EBCE contemplated by this RF or any resulting transaction related to a selected Offer.
  • Each Respondent, in submitting its Offer(s), irrevocably agrees and acknowledges that it is making its Offer(s) subject to and in agreement with the terms of this RFO.
  • EBCE will only accept questions from Respondents through the appropriate communication channels and up to the deadline to submit questions noted in the RFO schedule. All answers will be compiled into a document and posted to the RFO website. EBCE reserves the right to combine, rephrase, or not respond to some questions.
  • All questions and materials received by EBCE are subject to the confidentiality provisions in the RFO.