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Commercial Buildings

Get free support to optimize your buildings, reduce energy consumption, and minimize carbon emissions — plus earn great incentives every step of the way!

Building Efficiency Accelerator

The Ava Building Efficiency Accelerator is designed to save your building energy and improve comfort with no-cost services and generous incentives. We offer tailored support to help building owners and managers effectively save and earn money by identifying low- to no-cost energy efficiency opportunities.

How It Works

  1. Site assessment: Our experts perform a walk-through of your entire building and take inventory of existing equipment, operations, and energy use
  2. Project selection: We develop a list of energy-saving projects that your site can choose to implement. These range from low- to no-cost energy savings initiatives to larger capital projects. No matter your budget, we find opportunities to help you cut long-term costs.
  3. Implementation: We provide technical and implementation assistance to support your team as you complete your selected projects. You get $5,000 automatically for the first one you finish.
  4. Save money: Your business earns incentives for each kWh saved and realizes lasting energy cost savings for years to come.

Program Benefits

  • Free support: Free site assessment that identifies energy savings opportunities AND 12 months of free technical and implementation support
  • Bill reduction: Using performance models to show when and where energy is being wasted, we will develop strategies for you to save 10% on your energy bill.
  • Earn money: We provide generous incentives for saving energy, including $5,000 upfront for beginning an energy savings project.
  • Environmental stewardship: As you save energy, you’ll also reduce your emissions and environmental impact.

Program Incentives

Incentives will be paid to customers upon project completion and savings verification.

  • Energy Efficiency Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Measures: $0.05/kWh
  • Energy Efficiency Capital Measures: $0.20/kWh
  • Electrification Measures: Up to $8.50/therm

Success Story

One commercial facility with 2.3 MM kWh of annual electricity use implemented our recommended O&M measures. Their results:

$132,600 in incentives
15% yearly energy bill savings

Common Energy-Saving Projects

Implement one and get $5,000 immediately, plus thousands in incentives for long-term energy savings.

No-to-low cost ($0.05/kWh incentive rate)

  • HVAC system tune-up and maintenance
  • Lighting upgrades
  • Occupancy sensor installation
  • Programmable thermostat installation
  • Operational/behavioral changes
  • Air sealing and weather stripping

Capital projects ($0.20/kWh incentive rate)

  • Building envelope improvements
  • HVAC system upgrades or replacements
  • Energy management system installation
  • High-efficiency boiler or chiller upgrades
Want to save money? Schedule your free consultation today!
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