Board of Directors Meeting 9/16/20
Sep 16, 2020 @ 5:00pm
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Webinar ID: 870 2307 1843
- Agenda Packet (PDF)
- Video
- BOD Agenda with CAC/Annotations (PDF)
- Item 3 Closed Session
- Item 4 General Counsel Report out of Closed Session
- Consent Item 6 Approval of Minutes from July 15, 2020 (PDF)
- Consent Item 7 Contracts entered into (Informational Item) (PDF)
- Consent Item 8 Approve a Resolution Limiting Overhead Costs and/or Indirect Expenses in Contracts and Grants with Universities (PDF)
- Consent Item 9 Adopt a Resolution Authorizing EBCE CEO to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Selected Vendor to Implement a Pay-for-Performance Energy Efficiency Program for EBCE’s Residential Customers (PDF)
- Consent Item 10 Portfolio, Risk, and Valuation Management Software with cQuant.IO, Inc. (PDF)
- Consent Item 11 Printing and Mailing Services (PDF)
- Item 12 CEO Report (PDF)
- Item 13 Community Advisory Committee Report
- Item 14 CEO Employment Agreement Amendment and Bonus Consideration (Action Item) (PDF)
- Item 15 Brilliant 100 Options for 2021 (Informational Item) (PDF)
- Item 16 Prepay Overview and Approval of Counsel (Action Item) (PDF)
- Item 17 August Heat Wave Summary (Informational Item) (PDF)
- Item 18 Integrated Resource Plan Update (Informational Item) (PDF)
- Item 19 Resolution to adopt a Budget Stabilization GASB 62 Fund (Action Item) (PDF)