Oct 16, 2017 @ 6:30pm
A Meeting of the EBCE Community Advisory Committee will be held on October 16, 2017 at 7 p.m., at the City of Fremont Council Chambers, 3300 Capitol Ave. Fremont CA 94538
The public is encouraged to attend. The individual agenda and supporting documents included are listed below. Please refer to the Board of Directors Agenda for additional attachments.
- Item 1: Agenda
- Item 4: Minutes from the August 1 CAC Meeting
- Item 5: Local Development Business Plan Update
- Item 6: CEO Report
- Item 7: Request for Appointment of Community Advisory Committee Alternates
- Item 8: Update on Billing/Data Management/Call Center Selection and Authorization for Chief Executive Officer to Execute Contract
- Item 9: Resolution Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to Hire within IP Budget
- Item 10: Community Choice Aggregator Service Agreement with PG&E