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Jun 7, 2017 @ 6:30pm

The next meeting of the EBCEA Board of Directors will take place on Wednesday, June 7, 2017.

Please note that the venue for this meeting has been changed. The meeting will take place at the Castro Valley Library, 3600 Norbridge Avenue, Castro Valley, CA

  1. Agenda
  2. Item 3 – Minutes from May 17, 2017 EBCEA Board Meeting
  3. Item 4 – County Staff Updates
    1. Attachment 4: EBCE Data Management/ Call Center RFP
  4. Item 5 – Program Implementation Support Contract with LEAN Energy US
    1. Attachment 5A – EBCEA Board Resolution to Approve Professional Services Agreement with LEAN Energy US
    2. Attachment 5B – Service Agreement with LEAN Energy US
  5. Item 6 – Human Resources Support Contract with Koff & Associates
    1. Attachment 6A – EBCEA Board Resolution to Approve Professional Services Agreement with Koff & Associates
    2. Attachment 6B – Service Agreement with Koff & Associates
  6. Item 7 – Appointment of Community Advisory Committee Members
    1. Attachment 7-A: East Bay Community Energy
  7. Item 8 – Board Policy Discussion re: Implementation Plan Elements
    1. Attachment 8-A: Board Briefing Session #1 PPT
    2. Attachment 8-B: Letter from East Bay Clean Power Alliance re: Item #8 Implementation Plan

View the Compiled Agenda (with all supporting documents).

You may also view a video of the Board 5/17/17 meeting on YouTube at:

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