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Compare Service Plans

Alameda County and City of Tracy residents enjoy our green energy at lower rates. In April 2025, we’ll extend service to the cities of Stockton and Lathrop. You can change your plan at any time. We also compare our service plans for businesses.

Pie Chart showing Ava's Renewable 100 2023 power mix containing 68.3% solar energy and 31.7% wind energy.
Renewable 100
100% solar and wind energy priced at 1/4 cent per kWh above PG&E rates.
Pie chart showing Ava's 2023 Bright Choice power mix containing 5.6% solar, 31.6% wind energy, 17.7% biomass & biowaste, geothermal, and eligible hydroelectric, 34.1% large hydroelectric, and 11.1% unspecified.
Bright Choice
Our basic plan: 54.8% eligible renewable energy (2023) priced at 5% below PG&E rates.
Pie chart showing PG&E's 2023 power mix containing 20.2% solar, 6.3% wind energy, 6.2% biomass & biowaste, geothermal, and eligible hydroelectric, 13.8% large hydroelectric, and 53.4% nuclear energy.
For comparison, your previous basic plan: 32.8% eligible renewable energy (2023).


Solar Poppy RedSolarWind Sky BlueeWindBiomass And Biowaste YellowBiomass & Biowaste, Geothermal, Eligible Hydroelectric
Hydro EvergreenHydroNuclear PinkNuclearOther MintOther or Unspecified

Average Monthly Cost by Plan

Renewable 100

100% eligible renewable energy (2023)

Electric generation: $51.48

Electric delivery: $94.29

Additional non-Ava fees: $3.26

TOTAL: $148.91

Bright Choice

54.8% eligible renewable energy (2023)

Electric generation: $47.89

Electric delivery: $94.29

Additional non-Ava fees: $3.26

TOTAL: $145.32


32.8% eligible renewable energy (2023)

Electric generation: $50.58

Electric delivery: $94.29

Additional non-Ava fees: $3.26

TOTAL: $148.01

This comparison is for an average residential E-TOU-C (Time-of-Use) customer using 360 kWh/month. Due to rounding, the rate components may not sum exactly to the total. For more details, download PG&E-Ava Joint Rate Comparisons, a detailed comparison of rates.

Figures reflect our actual power mix from 2023 (most recently published). In accordance with our goal of providing 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030, we forecast that the Bright Choice power mix will be 52% from renewable energy sources (81% of Bright Choice from carbon-free sources) in 2024 and 56% renewable (81% of Bright Choice from carbon-free sources) in 2025. Historic power mix is published annually each summer for the preceding year.

turbines in a field

What’s your default plan?

Each city has a default enrollment plan for its residents and businesses.
Residential or Commercial?

Change Your Plan

You can change your service plan at any time. You’ll need your PG&E account number, the last name (or business name), and the ZIP code on the account.