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Hourly Flex Pricing

The Hourly Flex Pricing (HFP) pilots allow customers to lower their energy costs and support grid reliability by responding to hourly electricity prices.

Pilot Program Details

Under HFP, electricity prices vary by hour based on market conditions. Price forecasts are published seven days in advance, and final prices are set one day in advance. By checking prices in advance, you can save money by shifting energy use to times when it’s more plentiful and cheaper. Automation technology can streamline your operations to help you save even more.

Participation in Hourly Flex Pricing is risk-free. Under HFP, you will continue to be billed on your current rate plan while receiving a monthly HFP statement that tracks your performance while on the pilot program. After 12 months, if you performed better in total on Hourly Flex Pricing than on your current rate plan, you will receive a credit for the difference. If your HFP performance does not result in a credit, you are not responsible for any additional charges.

Ava customers can participate in the Hourly Flex Pricing Pilot and the Hourly Flex Pricing Pilot for EV Customers.

Hourly Flex Pricing

  • For qualifying residential, business, and agricultural customers
  • Three-year pilot that runs from November 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027

Hourly Flex Pricing for EV Customers Participating in the Vehicle to Everything Pilot

  • For qualifying residential EV and business EV customers
  • Pilot ends once funds are exhausted


Hourly Flex Pricing Pilot
Hourly Flex Pricing for Residential EV and Business EV customers

How to Enroll

Hourly Flex Pricing

Qualifying residential, business, and agricultural customers can enroll in the Hourly Flex Pricing Pilot.

Enrollment is through PG&E.

Hourly Flex Pricing for EV Customers

Qualifying residential and business customers enrolled in the PG&E Vehicle to Everything Pilot are eligible for this pilot.

Enrollment is through PG&E.

Hourly Prices

Hourly prices can be found on PG&E’s Hourly Pricing website. You can view hourly prices for today and the coming week, as well as historical prices. Final prices are set one day in advance. Shift your energy use to cheaper hours to save money while participating in the HFP pilot.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does hourly pricing work?
What are the components of the hourly pricing rate?
How is Hourly Flex Pricing risk-free? What will my monthly bill statement look like on HFP?
What tools and technologies are available to assist me on Hourly Flex Pricing?
What are Automation Service Providers (ASPs) and which are participating?
How does the program support the use of cleaner energy and a more reliable grid?
What if I decide participating in the pilot isn’t right for me?
What happens when the pilot ends?