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Apr 12, 2017 @ 6:30pm

The next meeting of the EBCEA Board of Directors is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, 2017. The agenda and supporting materials are included below. With the exception of Item #10 (Revised EBCE Trifold Brochure), all attachments are included in the link to each Item.

  1. Agenda
  2. Item #3 – Minutes from March 1, 2017 EBCEA Board Meeting – Approval
  3. Item #4 – County Staff Updates
  4. Item #5 – Introduction of Contracted Consultants
  5. Item #6 – Approval of Cooperation Agreement between EBCE and Alameda County
  6. Item #7 – Approval of Timeline for Spring 2018 Program Launch
  7. Item #8 – Approval of Community Advisory Committee Scope
  8. Item #9 – Approval of CalCCA Affiliate Membership
  9. Item #10 – Revised EBCE Trifold Brochure
    1. Attachment #10A – Updated Brochure
  10. Item #11 – Contract Services for Data Management and Call Center
  11. Item #12 – Legislation: SB 618 (Bradford)
    1. Compiled Agenda (with all supporting documents)

You can view a video of the March 1, 2017 meeting here.

You can sign up for future announcements here.

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