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2021 Disadvantaged Community & Community Solar Green Tariff Request for Offers

Proposal submission deadline: Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 5:00 PM PDT

East Bay Community Energy is soliciting competitive proposals for the sale and purchase of renewable energy up to EBCE’s program capacity allocations for both the Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff (“DAC-GT”) and Community Solar Green Tariff (“CSGT”) programs. EBCE is issuing this RFO to procure up to 5.726 MW for the DAC-GT program and 1.5625 MW for the CSGT program, as authorized in CPUC Resolution E-5124 (PDF). EBCE seeks Offers for the sales of RPS-eligible energy for a contract term of 10, 15, or 20 years. EBCE seeks energy and related products from new construction resources located in its service area.

RFO Schedule
Detailed schedules are here (PDF). Key dates include:

Date Event
Fri., September 24, 2021 at 2:00 PM PT Respondent Webinar.
Tues., September 28, 2021 Developer/Project Sponsor Meet-and-Greet, for CSGT projects only.
Fri., October 8, 2021 by 5:00 PM PT. Notice of Intent to Offer Due. Last chance to submit. Earlier submissions are welcomed and appreciated.
Fri., October 29, 2021 by 5:00 PM PT Final Offer Deadline: DAC-GT Projects
Fri., December 10, 2021 by 5:00 PM PT Final Offer Deadline: CSGT Projects

Notices of Intent to Offer – Due October 8, 2021
Complete and submit this Intent to Offer form

RFO Materials
Disadvantaged Community & Community Solar Green Tariff Request for Offers (RFO) solicitation protocol (PDF).

RFO Attachments

Map of Disadvantaged Communities and Solar-Suitable Sites


Community Solar Green Tariff (CSGT) Sponsorship Requirement and Resources

CSGT projects must have a Community Sponsor that is a non‐profit community‐based organization (“CBO”), local government agency, or school. The role of the Community Sponsor is to work with the community to identify any community-suggested project sites, conduct outreach and create interest in subscribing to the project. Community Sponsors must provide a Letter of Commitment for the project that includes:

  • Demonstration of substantial interest of community members in subscribing to project;

  • Estimated number of subscribers, with justification to ensure project is sized to likely demand;

  • A preliminary plan to conduct outreach and recruit subscribers [which may be conducted in conjunction with the developer and/or EBCE]; and

  • Siting preferences, including community-suggested host sites, and verification that the site chosen for the bid is consistent with community preference.

Offers for the CSGT program must include a Letter of Commitment from a sponsoring organization.

EBCE will help facilitate connections between prospective Community Sponsors and project developers by providing contact information for interested organizations below. We will also host a “Meet and Greet” event for interested sponsors and developers to meet and share ideas. Registration details are below.

Upcoming Event for Community Sponsors and Developers

  • EBCE Community Solar Meet-and-Greet

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2021 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PST

Organizations Interested in Sponsoring Community Solar Projects

The organizations listed below have expressed interest in serving as a project sponsor. Additional organizations will be added here as they complete and submit their interest forms.

Organization Website Contact
San Leandro 2050
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency Coming soon
NorCal Resilience Network Coming soon
The Educator Collective for Environmental Justice
Rising Sun Center for Opportunity Coming soon