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Net Energy Metering

Solar Billing Plan (SBP) customers: Starting on April 15, 2023, new rooftop solar applications have been approved under the new Ava Solar Billing Plan (SBP), the successor program to Net Energy Metering (NEM) 2.0.

Ava NEM Policy

  • Your meter tracks the amount of electricity you use versus the amount of electricity your solar system delivers to the grid.
  • When you produce more electricity than you consume, like in the middle of the day, that excess generation is credited and put in a “savings account.”
  • When you consume more than your solar system produces, you withdraw credits from that account. If you have insufficient credits accrued, Ava will either charge you for the net amount of energy you needed that month (customers on a monthly true-up) or debit from your account (customers on an annual true-up).
  • Ava NEM customers receive the same credits and charges they received with PG&E.
  • Every April, Ava customers who produced more electricity during the year than they used receive a cash-out payment for each kWh.
  • Customers on an annual true-up will be billed for energy consumption in April if they consumed more energy than they produced throughout the year
  • You continue to pay PG&E their minimum monthly delivery charge and have your annual true-up with PG&E on your interconnection anniversary date for the services they provide.

Choose Annual or Monthly True-up

Customers on our Standard Ava NEM program can choose an annual true-up option or remain on our monthly true-up plan. You can select an annual true-up online or by speaking with an Ava customer service representative (+1 833.699.3223). NEM customers have until February 28/29 each year to make their selection for the following April NEM cycle.

Select Your True-Up (English)  
Select Your True-Up (Spanish)  
  • Monthly true-up: If you generate more electricity than you use in a given billing month, the excess NEM credits accrue in your account. You pay for consumption monthly if you do not have enough NEM credits in your account balance to cover monthly charges. Monthly true-up customers receive annual payments for surplus generation at the April cash-out.
  • Annual true-up: You will not be billed monthly for generation service. Credits and debits for consumption and net generation roll over until the annual true-up in April. You may owe due to under-generation, or receive payment, at the April true-up.

True-Up Statement

  • At the end of the annual April true-up period, if you produced more electricity than you used, you will be compensated for surplus generation.
  • Your annual compensation, or cash-out value, is based on surplus kWh multiplied by the Net Surplus Compensation rate (PDF).
  • If your cash-out value is less than $100, this will stay on your account and can be used for future monthly charges. If your cash-out value is greater than or equal to $100, you will be sent a check.
  • Cash-out checks are typically sent out in June – July following the April true-up.

Additional Resources

Understanding Your NEM 1.0 and 2.0 Billing Options

Net Energy Metering (NEM) FAQs

In addition to the Bright Choice discount on net usage, are there other benefits for NEM customers of being with Ava?
Why am I paying every month, when I used to only pay once a year for my energy usage?
What is the difference between a monthly and annual true-up?
Is a monthly or annual true-up better for me?
Can I change my true-up cycle with Ava partway through the year?
I see negative numbers for my net generation and net usage. What does this mean? How can I see how much I am generating/ using/ net consuming each month?
What is the net usage?
What is the net generation?
What is the rollover credit balance?
What is the baseline credit?
What is the difference between the generation credit I see on my bill and NEM credits for surplus generation?
Do I still have an annual true up with PG&E?
How do I find the PG&E estimated true up and the Ava estimated true up?
Why is there a delivery charge if my system generates more electricity than I consume?
Why is there a true-up for delivery and transmission fees? I thought the delivery fee was a fixed amount?
Are PG&E charges covered by my Ava NEM balance?
As a net generator, do I get credits from both Ava and PG&E?
I have credits on my Ava NEM balance at true up, but did not receive a check. Why?
Can I change my true up month with PG&E?
What is the retail rate vs. the wholesale rate?
If I change my service level during the middle of the year, how will my April cash-out be calculated?
What happens with my credits if I close my account or leave Ava prior to the April cash out period?
What if I am on a time of use (TOU) rate? How will this affect my monthly credit and annual cash-out?
If I am a Standard Ava NEM customer on Renewable 100, will my April cash-out include the Renewable 100 adder?
What is the Solar Billing Plan (SBP)?
How do I know if I am a Solar Billing Plan (SBP) or Net Energy Metering (NEM) customer?